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What are the horticultural effects of diatomaceous earth

Release time:2021-03-31 11:22:00  Number of views:

It is important to understand the 12 gardening functions of diatomaceous earth, which can reduce your flower cultivation troubles, kill insects and bacteria, reduce pests and diseases, and make flower cultivation more interesting.

1. Eliminating mosquitoes: If you plant plants in an environment that is not clean, has decaying plants or ripe fruits, it is easy to breed mosquitoes or fruit flies. When raising flowers, if the environment is too humid or the soil is often watery, it is easy to breed mosquitoes, and even small black flies may lay eggs in the soil. Diatomaceous earth can be used at this time. Diatomaceous earth can keep the soil slightly dry, prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in the soil, and improve the humid environment. It has a good effect on preventing mosquitoes, fruit flies, and small black flies.

2. Preventing wasp invasion

When I was a child, I could still see many wasps building nests under the eaves, but now I rarely see them. They are actually the key to maintaining natural balance and can eat pests in the yard, such as caterpillars or aphids, which are also beneficial insects. However, if you don't like them staying in the yard, you can use diatomaceous earth. You can sprinkle more diatomaceous earth on the areas where wasps are present, so that wasps won't approach or build nests nearby.

3. Get rid of flies

The presence of flies near flower gardens is very distressing. These small things can fly onto your food and affect the health of plants. Of course, we need to find ways to reduce the occurrence of flies. If you don't want to use pesticides, you can use diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth can be used to drive away flies in the yard. Moisture and odor are both factors that attract flies. Diatomaceous earth can be used to create a dry environment and isolate odors.

4. Get rid of Xiao Heifei

If potted plants are covered with small black flies, it can be a particularly troublesome thing. It doesn't look good, and common insecticides cannot remove their eggs. Small black flies will lay eggs under the soil. At this time, diatomaceous earth can be used to directly sprinkle on the soil, which can prevent spawning and kill insect eggs in the soil, effectively preventing small black flies.

5. Preventing the invasion of nasal slugs

Nose slugs are like slugs. They eat the leaves of plants, especially in dark and damp places. They can sprinkle diatom powder around them, but they should be kept dry. If diatom powder is moist, it needs to be re sprinkled to have an effect.

6. Ant repellent

If you don't like ants around you, you can use various methods. Ants are plants that can feed aphids or Scale insect. They are not friendly to friends who raise flowers.

Diatomaceous earth can be used, which is a natural and harmless insect repellent that can be sprayed on ant infested areas to prevent ant invasion, and even on ant mounds.

7. Increase soil porosity

Diatomaceous earth itself does not have nutrients, but it has a very good effect of retaining fertility, promoting the release of fertility, and can increase soil porosity. Diatomaceous earth is also a good particle stone, and can be mixed with potted soil when cultivating plants, which can improve drainage and increase air permeability.

8. Making flower specimens

If you want to better preserve the brilliant flowers planted in the yard, you can use diatom powder, which can help you preserve dried flower specimens, including tulips, Syringa oblata, iris and roses that open in spring.

9. Compost deodorization

Diatomaceous earth is a great gardening soil, one of which is used to remove toxic odors from garden soil. Additionally, if you enjoy making compost in the yard but cannot tolerate the odor generated by composting, you can use diatomaceous earth to mix with compost to prevent odor and eliminate potential pests.

10. Control aphids

Aphid is the most common pest in the process of flower cultivation, and most flowers cannot avoid the harm of aphids. They reproduce very quickly and have a great destructive power.

Using diatom powder can effectively get rid of aphids. You can sprinkle diatom powder on the area where aphids appear, or sprinkle some every few days, which has a good effect.

11. Drive out rodents

Rodents, including mice, rabbits, and others, can damage the plants and flowers in the yard. If you just want to drive them away or keep them away from the plants and flowers, you can sprinkle lemon or mint essential oil around them, as well as diatomaceous earth, which is a good absorbent.

12. Reduce ticks

In the stuffy and warm environment of summer, bright flowers can be seen in the yard, but it is also important to be careful of the bloodsucking small creatures in the plant clusters. They are ticks, which can appear when lying on the grass or in the plant clusters in the backyard during swimming.

Tick bites can easily cause symptoms such as fever. To prevent tick infestation, you can sprinkle a circle of diatomaceous earth around lawns and plants once a month.

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